About 40 years ago, the residents of La Soledad used to gather to celebrate the festivities of their neighborhood, sharing homemade dishes on the streets, where the star was the Paella. Inspired by this tradition and wanting to meet all the neighbors, Art & Design District debuted with Palla Fest, an inaugural street event where the local spirit of the neighborhood merged with artists, gallerists, and anyone interested in the project.
The main idea was to recreate the casual and spontaneous atmosphere of the past. On a fall evening, residents and visitors filled the streets, enjoying a cooking show, live Flamenco performance and of course, Paella.
The meeting brought together a mix of profiles, resulting in a rich, spontaneous and dynamic experience. Due to its warm reception, Paella Fest has been reestablished as an annual tradition in the District, open to anyone who wants to enjoy the vibrant neighborhood scene of La Soledad.